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Catechetical Programs
Christ In Us, Parish Edition Grades K - 8 View Details | Buy Now
Christ In Us, School Edition Grades K - 8 View Details | Buy Now
We Believe Catholic Identity, Parish Edition Grades K - 6 View Details | Buy Now
We Believe Catholic Identity, School Edition Grades K - 6 View Details | Buy Now
We Live Our Faith Catholic Identity Edition Grades 7 - 8 View Details | Buy Now
Our Catholic Faith Grades 4 - 6 View Details | Buy Now
One Faith, One Lord Grades 7 - Adult View Details | Buy Now
Discovering God Ages 3 - 5 View Details | Buy Now
God's Own Making Grades 4 - 8 View Details | Buy Now
Between You and Your Child Grades K - 8 View Details | Buy Now
Sacraments Programs
Believe • Celebrate • Live Reconciliation Primary Ages 7 and 8 View Details | Buy Now
Believe • Celebrate • Live Eucharist Primary Ages 7 and 8 View Details | Buy Now
Believe • Celebrate • Live Confirmation Ages 12–15 View Details | Buy Now
Believe • Celebrate • Live Confirmation Restored Order Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
Believe • Celebrate • Live Reconciliation and Eucharist Intermediate Ages 9 and 10 View Details | Buy Now
We Believe and Celebrate Baptism View Details | Buy Now
We Gather in Prayer Kit Grades K–Adult Buy Now
My Reconciliation and Prayer Book Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
My Mass Book Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
We Believe and Pray Grades 4–6 View Details | Buy Now
Catechetical Bilingual
Creemos Identidad católica Grades K–6 View Details | Buy Now
Vivimos nuestra fe Grades 7–8 View Details | Buy Now
Nuestra fe catolica Grades 4–6 View Details | Buy Now
Una sola fe, un solo Señor Grades 7–Adult View Details | Buy Now
Entre usted y sus hijos Buy Now
Sacraments Bilingual
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Reconciliación Primaria Ages 7 and 8 View Details | Buy Now
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Eucaristía Primaria Ages 7 and 8 View Details | Buy Now
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Confirmación Ages 12–15 View Details | Buy Now
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Reconciliación y Eucaristía - Intermedio Ages 9 and 10 View Details | Buy Now
Creer • Celebrar • Vivir Confirmación-Restauración del orden sacramental Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
Creemos y celebramos Bautismo View Details | Buy Now
Mi Reconciliación y libro de oración Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
Mi libro de la Misa Ages 7–9 View Details | Buy Now
Lifelong Learning
The Compass Bible for Catholic Teens Buy Now
My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories Buy Now
La Biblia católica para jóvenes Buy Now
Adult Resources
Everything About Parish Ministry I Wish I Had Known Buy Now
Becoming a Parish of Mercy Buy Now
The Wounded Body of Christ Buy Now
Missionary Discipleship Buy Now
YOUCAT Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Buy Now
Catechism of the Catholic Church Buy Now
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults Buy Now
General Directory of Catechesis Buy Now
National Directory of Catechesis Buy Now
YOUCAT: Catecismo Joven de la Iglesia Católica Buy Now
The NEW Directory for Catechesis–Highlights and Summaries Buy Now
Directory For Catechesis (New Edition) Buy Now
Directory For Catechesis (Spanish New Edition) Buy Now
Prayer Books
YOUCAT: The Youth Prayer Book Buy Now
Parent's Guide to Prayer Buy Now
Prayerbook for Catechists Buy Now
Sagrada Biblia: Dios Habla Hoy Buy Now

Why Understanding the Theology of the Body Matters for Guiding Children

Presented by Laura Domanico

Thursday, October 10 at 4 p.m. EDT

Join Laura Domanico for a FREE webinar, Why Understanding the Theology of the Body Matters for Guiding Children, where she will discuss:

  • The significance of Theology of the Body and how understanding it equips teachers to guide students in their moral and ethical growth
  • How educators who are knowledgeable in Theology of the Body create positive learning environments by promoting authentic love and mutual respect and enriching student relationships
  • How the deep insights and profound teachings of Pope John Paul II found throughout the Theology of the Body help teachers to support students in understanding of the complex issues of human dignity and purpose

Live registrants will receive a Certificate of Participation!

Fill out the form on this page to register for this free webinar. Even if you cannot attend live, register to receive the recording.

Laura Domenico
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