Growth Mindset Math Teacher Case Study Analysis
Grades 1–8Many veteran math teachers with years-long records of high growth among their students have perspectives and practices that vary slightly from what we currently perceive as the “ideal” growth mindset model for the classroom. Investigating their approach to teaching can shine light on the key characteristics of growth mindset.
Sadlier Math Blog author, Dr. Jeff Todd, interviewed three veteran math teachers who consistently help all students to have high growth in their conceptual understanding of mathematics. This bundle of growth mindset worksheets presents three case studies of these teachers based on interview transcripts. Read each case study and observe the ways each of the veteran math teachers addressed the key characteristics of growth mindset in their classroom practices. Download includes a graphic organizer and guiding questions for you to compare and contrast their growth mindset views and characteristics.
Fill out the form to download the Growth Mindset Math Teacher Case Study Analysis now.