Create Excellence in Mathematics Instruction: A Guide for Leadership
2-Part Masterclass hosted by Dr. Matthew BeyranevandWatch On Demand. ENROLL NOW!
Join us for a FREE, 2-part Masterclass! Dr. Matthew Beyranevand, math teacher, author, presenter, and district administrator, will share a variety of best practices for actualizing the fundamentals of a stellar math program.
Class 1: Why Do We Learn Math?
This class will help put an end to the question, “When will we ever use this?” by:
- Identifying real-world benefits to learning mathematics
- Discussing authentic student engagement experiences
- Discovering practical techniques to implement change
Class 2: Understanding a Strong Math Lesson
This class will explore what to look for when observing a class, including:
- Different models seen in successful math classes
- Ways teachers can promote success for all
Once you register, you'll receive your first of two class emails. Each email will give you "ON DEMAND," anytime access to the Masterclass video, reflection questions, and featured resources for that class.
If you watch both classes, you’ll have an opportunity to receive a Certificate of Participation. Details will follow.